On 18/8/2023, Vietpo Corporation received important good news to be licensed to self-announce the circulation of HCIP210 potato variety in the Red River Delta and Central Highlands by the Department of Crop Production - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. This marks a major step forward in Vietnam's agricultural sector and opens up many new opportunities for farmers in producing high-quality potatoes.

HCIP210 potato varieties: unsurpassed features for agricultural production

HCIP210 potato variety is a pure plant variety of the Solanaceae with many notable superior characteristics:

1. Short growing time: HCIP210 potatoes only need 90 to 95 days to mature, giving farmers a shorter time for harvesting.

2. Medium plant height: With a height of 60 to 80 cm and a semi-vertical plant, HCIP210 is suitable for planting in areas with limited areas.

3. Beautiful tuber color and shape: The potatoes HCIP210 have a beautiful skin and flesh color, with light yellow skin and cream-colored flesh. The rounded shape and shallow tuber eye depth make it easy to process and market for consumption.

4. Good tasting quality: HCIP210 potato tubers are considered delicious and delicious when processed into different dishes.

5. Stable yield: With an average yield of 18 to 45 tons/ha, HCIP210 suitable for many climatic and soil conditions.

6. Resistance to diseases and pests: HCIP210 is resistant to blight, viral (PVY), green wilt, and thrips, helping to minimize the damage caused by these factors.





Degree of manifestation


Growing time


90 – 95 days


Average plant height


60 – 80 cm


Tree form




Leaf color


Dark green


Flower color




Degree of flowering




Average number of tubers/plant


6 – 8


Tuber shape




Tuberculous eye depth




Color of tuber peel


Light yellow


Color of flesh




Post-boiling butteriness




Tasting quality




Average yield

- Highland Region

- Red River Delta


18 – 45 tons

20 – 45

18 – 35


Dry matter content


16 – 18


Reducible sugar content




Starch content


12 – 14


Resistance to late blight

1 – 9

1 – 3


Virus (PVY)


0 – 5


Green wilt


0 – 5



1 – 3



Directions of use eaten fresh or processed


Fresh feeding


The degree of infection with the main pests and diseases:

* Main diseases

 - Phytophthora infestans and leaf spot (Alternaria solani): Evaluated in the following periods of 45 to 75 days, observed the area of the wound on the leaf stem, rated and scored from 1 to 9 as follows: Point 1: Not sick; Point 3: Mild, < 20% of the leaf stem area is infected; Point 5:  On average, 20-50% of the leaf stem area is infected; Point 7: Severe, > 50-75% of infected leaf stem area and Point 9: Very severe, > 75-100% of infected leaf stem area.

 - Bacterial green wilt (Ralstoiria solanasearum, Erwinia ssp, Corynebacterium spedonicum): Evaluation from planting to harvest counting the number of symptomatic plants per plot. Calculate the percentage of diseased plants.

- Viral disease (%): Assessed at 15, 30, 45 days later, counting all symptomatic clusters per umbrella. Calculate the percentage of diseased plants.

* Main pests and diseases

 - Thrips (Frankiniella spp.): Evaluate in the following periods 45 to 60 days, observe the level of infection on the leaves and evaluate and score from 1 – 3 as follows: Point 1: Mild, scattered appearance; Point 2: Medium (distributed less than 1/3 of leaves, flowers and plants); Point 3: Heavy, distributed over 1/3 of the leaves,  Flowers and plants

Instructions for storage and use

To ensure performance and quality, the storage and use of HCIP210 potato variety should adhere to a number of important guidelines:

1. Planting seasonal frame: Depending on the production region, farmers need to choose a suitable planting time, usually in winter-spring or spring-summer.

2. Proper soil footing: The soil should have a light structure, pH between 6 – 6.5, and must be carefully prepared before planting.

3. Yield potential: Potato varieties HCIP210 have high yield potential, but this requires proper care and careful technical management.

4. Harvesting and preserving produce: It is recommended to harvest when the weather is dry and stop watering 7-10 days before harvest. The potatoes need to be stored in cold storage at a temperature of 2 – 4°C and humidity of 90 – 95%.

Quality of seed fields and tubers

The quality of potato seed fields and tubers must HCIP210 comply with national standards, ensuring purity and non-contamination. This places high demands on farmers and seed producers in Vietnam.

The announcement of HCIP210 potato variety is an important step in Vietnam's agricultural development, providing opportunities for farmers to improve product efficiency and quality. This also demonstrates Vietnam's commitment to improving agriculture and ensuring food security for its people.

Vietpo is committed to continuing its efforts to distribute quality HCIP210 potato varieties and guide farmers in their cultivation and preservation. Hopefully, this potato variety will make an important contribution to the development of Vietnam's agricultural industry.

For more information about HCIP210 potato variety, please contact Vietpo Corporation or DCP -  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Hopefully this article has helped you better understand the HCIP210 potato variety and its important role in Vietnam's agricultural development.